
Digimon Card Game - Starter Deck Display Gaia Red ST-1 (6 Decks) - EN

Disponibilità: In Arrivo - contattaci
SKU: DIGI2560555
Produttore:: BANDAI


Ultima data disponibile per effettuare ordine:09.10.2020


Data di uscita:January 2021 (Subject to change)


A brand-new card game featuring the famous DIGIMON series!

Uses the simple but unique strategic game system created by renowned American game designer Ryan Miller.
“Raising” & “Evolving” hold the keys to victory, just like the original story! Contains various types of illustrations sure to satisfy DIGIMON collectors and fans!

Easy to pick up and start the game!
English ver. contains an additional booster pack!

・Constructed Deck ×1
・Booster Pack (Ver.1.0) ×1 pack
・Memory Gauge ×2