
MTG - The Brothers War Collector's Booster Display (12 Packs) - JP

Disponibilità: In Arrivo - contattaci
SKU: WOCD03121400
Produttore:: Wizards of the Coast

Data di uscita: 18/11/2022
Ultima data disponibile per effettuare ordine: 03/10/2022


• 12 The Brothers’ War MTG Collector Boosters
• 15 Magic cards + 1 foil token in each booster
• 10–11 Traditional Foil cards in every pack
• 1 special Mythic Rare + 5 cards of rarity Rare or higher in every pack
• Travel back in time to command powerful artifacts and giant robots

The Brothers’ War Collector Booster Box contains 12 The Brothers’ War Collector Boosters. Each Collector Booster contains 15 Magic: The Gathering cards and 1 Traditional Foil double-sided token, with a combination of 1 special Mythic Rare, 5 cards of rarity Rare or higher and 4 Uncommon, 4 Common, and 1 Land cards. Every pack contains a total of 10–11 Traditional Foil cards.